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6-30-80 Mon. 70°-80°
Partly cloudy; wind N, 10-25 mph. -- mostly clear much of mid-aft.  -- lower humidity -- wonderful day!

2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)                20-30 Doves (5)
1 White-eyed Vireo (5)                4-5 Crows
3 House Wrens (25)                    50-60 Grackles
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                2 Red-wings (5) 2♂
1 Sc. Tanager (5)                     2 Cowbirds (5)
1 No. Oriole                          100+ Starlings
1 Orchard Oriole (5)                  10-15 House Sps.
3-5 Peewees (5)                       3-4 Song " (5)
√ [[underline]]14[[/underline]] Barn Swallows on wires here
                                      2 C. Wrens in yard (5)
2 Purple Martins (5)                  4 Goldfinches (5)
1 Yellow-br. Chat (5)                 4-6 Chickadees (5)
8-12 Robins (5)                       5-7 Titmice (5)
20+ Cardinals (5)                     2 Nuthatches
2-4 Mockers (5)                       2-3 Meadowlarks (5)

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[[centre]]2 lg. Fawns by apple tree[[centre]]
[[centre]]1 Woodchuck[[/centre]]

3-5 Red-bellies                       3-5 Field Sps. (5)
2 Downys                              3-5 Chipping " (5)
1 Acad. Flycatcher (5)                1 Bobwhite (5)
1 Gnatcatcher                  1 Phoebe in yard (5)
√ [[underline]]6[[/underline]] Bluebirds (4.Y in nest)
                                    * 1 Red-shoulder
1 Catbird (5)                         1 Killdeer
1-2 Ch. Swifts                        1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo
1 Green Heron                         1 Wood Thrush

7-1-80 Tues. 62°-81°
Sue left 8:25 A.M.  [[image]]:([[/image]]
  Scattered clouds early -- cloudless by 9:00 A.M.; wind SW, 5-10 mph., mid-morn to mid-aft. -- then calm.  Fine day!

2 Red-eyed Vireos                     20-30 Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo                    5-6 Crows
3 House Wrens (25)              [[strikeout]]Jays[[/strikeout]]
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                Grackles

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