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1 Towhee (5)                         1 Green Heron
1 Wood Thrush                        2-3 Ch. Swifts
1 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatcher

7-12-80 Sat. 68°-89°
High haze early; then cloudless to 1:30 P.M.  Thunder to East 2:02 P.M., then very loud in W at 2:55 P.M. & sudden hard rain 3:00-3:05 [[strikeout]]3:3:05[[/strikeout]]P.M. = 0.1"
Thunder & lt. rain 5:10 PM -- (contd)

2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)               20-30 Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo                   5-7 Crows
3 House Wrens +N (25)       3-400 [[strikeout]]Jay[[/strikeout]] Grackles
1 Wood Thrush                        2-3 Red-wings
3-6 Peewees                          2-3 Cowbirds
2 Indigo Buntings (25)               200+ Starlings
1 Towhee (5)                         10-15 House Sps.
2 Thrashers                          3-5 Song " [[Sps.]]
1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo                   1-2 C. Wrens

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

1 Bl-gr. Gnatcatcher                  4 Goldfinches
2 Bluebirds                           5-7 Chickadees
1 Yellow-thr. Vireo                   5-7 Titmice
8-12 Robins                           2 Nuthatches
20+ Cardinals                         2-3 Meadowlarks
2-4 Mockers                           4-6 Field Sps.
1 Pil. Woodpecker                     4-6 Chipping " [[Sps.]]
3-5 Red-bellies                       1 Bobwhite
2 Downys                              1 Green Heron
1 Acad. Flycatcher                    1 Cr. Flycatcher
[[red ink]]13-15 [[/red ink]][[strikeout]]7-8[[/strikeout]] [[underline]]Barn Swallows[[/underline]] [[red ink]] 8-10 [[red ink/]][[strikeout]]2-4[[/strikeout]] [[double underline red ink]]Purple Martins [[/double underline red ink]]
2 Hummingbirds                        [[red ink, circled]]* [[/red ink,circled]] 1 Red-shoulder
1 Flicker (5)                          1-2 Kingbirds

* Weather - contd. - sudden, [[underline]]brief, violent[[/underline]] storm about 5:20 P.M. - winds to perhaps 50 mph - large limbs torn from Tulip Poplars all over yard - rain = 0.5"
Total rain = [[double underline red ink]]0.6"[[/double underline red ink]]