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enthusiastic people but entirely incompetent in this new line which is so far removed from their sphere in which they are competent. Will they one day awaken to realities and then blame me too? I have tried to hint without hurting too much their sensibilities that in all my arrangement with them I have some diffidence whether they understand the [[unl]] commercial situation and whether they are really in a position to do justice to the possibilities of Bakelite.
Got supper at Mouquins met Dr. Peters who told me his work at Zinssers on barter is not progressing commercially on account of lack of funds and he has left there. 
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February 15. An unpleasant day. Spent morning in laboratory following some disappointing tests of [[roun?]] cresols. Afternoon all the worry and bother of lying to self. Jim fixing up some new water closets which do not fit and threatens to upset the whole household at a moment when I am expecting visitors.
Feb. 16. A thoroughly unpleasant and irritating day. Jim, Lewis & Joe all three busy trying to make fit those confounded water closets. All other work stopped on this account. Thaw and slush outside. House all upset. Finally got thru by evening.
Feb. 17. Busy all day in lab comparing Cresols. Made one run of solid A with Lewis. Got rather irritating letter from Rutgers advising we should