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slightly foggy day. Waited on Pier until 10 A.M. when steanmer arrived. Helped J. Weger with custom house formalities sent cable to his wife announcing safe arrival. Then went for lunch with him to Bretton Hall. In afternoon Celine came with motor car. Took her to [[Dr. Porters?]] to a private concert then drove to University Club. then afterwards fetched Celine and we went to Cafe' de l'Ofina. for dinner. Extensively furnished place [[strikeout]] babi [[strikeout]] Egyptian style. [[margin]]corner Broadway & 42d str.[[margin]] Statues bronze, paintings one mural painting: "Fall of Babylon." Then drove to Bretton Hall Hotel thence home to Yonkers. Rainy evening
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Feb 21,. Dictated letters all morning afternoon went to Wegers Conference until late relative to proposal of admitting Knoll & Co in our Co. I found that Weger is incompletely acquainted with many of my best arguments relative this and patent question and I believe I succeed in convincing him of [[strikeout]] the [[strikeout]] my way of thinking as expressed in letter I wrote to Rutgers Co. [[Told as [[?]] on train was carried to Tarrytown and had to wait until 12 PM for train.]]
[[margin]]Drizzly muddy weather[[margin]]
Feb. 22. Received this morning collection of samples of Weger. many varieties of Cresol. also ortho. meta. and ferra-cresol. Also samples of Lebach and samples made by Weger. The latter are very good. Specially electric insulators