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many letters. Made up my mind to rest this morning but was kept rather busy. at noon George drove me to Greystone Station. Beautiful warm weather. Meeting at [[Ruoeters?]] office of Directors of Am. Electric Chemical Society. Only Richard Rueter & myself present. Then Dennie and Fitzgerald dropped in. Took a glass of beer together. I felt very very tired so did not go to Chemists Club smoker but took early evening train home. needed rest.
March [[strikethrough]] 27 Rested very well. Beautiful clear warm weather. [[underlined]]This is Easter[[underlined]]. Short motor drive with Celine. Best day of rest at home. Lied down in lawn, inspected my trees Went over my finances and calculations. Feel much surer as to future and 
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realize that my finances are still in pretty good shape. Renewed assurance in my work. This is the advantage of a good days rest. George was ill last night = vomiting and headache. Today he was rather quiet. Nina out with the Barnes's in their auto. George is growing very rapidly fine steady boy. We went to bed at 8P.M.
March 28 (Monday) Mild fine weather. Miss Evans ill. Had to write several letters myself. [[strikethrough]] Aft [[/end strikethrough]] Afternoon Weger came here. drove to Hastings to see Hastings Asphalt Pavement Co plant. Not working. Machinery in repair. Weger says pitch is too brittle to use instead of asphalt. Hemstet says they use mixture of fine 100 mesh limestone which gives elasticity. then [[?]] which gives hardness crushed in several 
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