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to found "Inventors Guild" for protecting the legislative interests of inventors. Meeting lasted to near mid night. I went tired to bed but slept very well and awoke 
[[margin]] April 9 [[/margin]] next morning entirely refreshed. Went to Hoboken dock of Norddenhelm [[strikethrough]] Loyd [[/strikethrough]] Lloyd. SS. [[Pringessin?]] Irene [[strikethrough]] sayling [[/strikethrough]] sailing for Italy. Tessel, Jaeger & Tenerlein left. I went alone for hasty lunch at Mouquin's uptown. (First bought some automobile requisites at Willis) then went to Hippodrome. "Trip to Japan" then train back home in time for supper. Celine was in bed feels pain. I hope nothing very serious. 
April 10. Beautiful Sunday weather but very windy. Did nothing all morning except enjoying sight of garden and examining my trees. Took short nap after lunch 
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tried to begin Presidential address ^for Am Electrochemical Society but someway or another my mind does not catch on. the subject. So kept all day a real leisure day 
April 11 Dictated letters in morning Got letter from Germany that my "heat & pressure" patent is [[accepted?]]. Afternoon, visit of Skinner. research-engineer of Westinghouse in Pittsburgh who came to inquire how to use Bakelite for impregnation of coils Explained him process and send him necessary material to experiment with. Celine told me my monthly sales, outside of Protal have reached about $500 this means that I am nearing point when I cover my expenses and matters look more hopeful. A few hundred lbs more and we will be out of the woods. 
April 12. Spent most of morning dictating letters and telephone calls 
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