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[[underline]] 1/2 day [[/underline]] x
this afternoon by appointment to [[strikethrough]] talk [[/strikethrough]] consult about future plant and stayed for supper. Took him back to station. Charge 1/2 day. 
April 15. At 11 AM went [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] fetch Cohoe, his wife and his father in law (Mr. Rubridge of Denver Col) at 72nd street and brought them here for lunch.  Then Celine joined us and we went for afternoon drive Briar-Cliff course then Boston Road to New York to Pier of Cunard line Celine and myself went to Claremont thence drove home where we arrived about 8 [[superscript underscore]] 30 [[/superscript underscore]] P.M
[[underline]] April. 16. [[/underline]] No rain yet. altho' we need it badly. Made some experiments with Lewis relative Bakelite paper for newspaper matrixes. Then spent time adjusting commutation of
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car with George and Lewis
Sunday April 17. Went to fetch Dr. G. Frank (of Siemens and Halske with motor car. Pouring rain. First rain [[?]] many weeks. Conference about terms S & H could become licensees of Townsend Cell. Charge
[[in margin]] 1 X
one day to D. & F. Co.
Spark missing on car on account of timer
April 18. Visit of of Gifford of Pittsfield division of General Electric Co. came here to learn about Bakelite especially about use for impregnation of coils. Promises to send some coils for impregnation. We mended the defective timer on car
April 19. Went to [[Degenlautts?]] in morning to have tooth plugged Then lunch with Peters & Willams at [[strikethrough]] Investment blg [[/strikethrough] City dining Club Then meeting of executive