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N.Y. I went with Gielmann for a walk over Songhill golf links. April 21. Whitney & Boureyer of General Electric came here and took lunch with me. Showed them my samples and new progress then drove them to New York. [[72d st.]]. 
April 22. Morning busy here at 4 P.M. met Hooker in his office. meeting relative possibility of Siemens & Halske taking of Townsend Cell charge 1/2 day. [[margin]]X 1/2[[margin]]Went to Mougins for supper then to meeting Society Chemical Industry. Symposium on paints. Mali was there told him situation with billiard balls. Does not seem pleased that I let Hyatt in. 
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April 23. George and his friend Malcolm Hall drove me to 45 Wall Street with motor car. Fine weather. George did good driving. In office of Hunt we incorporated the Inventors Guild, then drove back over battery West street, Fifth Avenue. George smashed his lanterns at 34 st. Bought some supplies and returned back home at 4 P.M. 
April 24. Wrote all morning in my Pittsburgh address. (at noon visit of Mr. Solorie Kying. polish electrical engineer whose brother came to visit me in Berlin from Warsau Took a nap then all afternoon worked on address also evening I wonder what shape it will take eventually after I have cut out a lot