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Jamison flood happened seems to be the climax of ugly, sordid, squalidness. with all this, what once was beautiful nature, Steel [[?]] works seems to have cast a curse over the neighborhood. -What times! Arrived in Pittsburgh at 8 P.M. Fort Pitt Hotel rather crowded. Excellent rooms but little sleep on account of noise of freight trains and trolley cars.
May. 4. Up at 8. A.M. early breakfast. Members begin to arrive abundantly. [[margin]]Visit to testing plant of U.S. Geological Survey. Mine explorations, fuel tests, tests of materials etc.[[margin]] [[This entry directed to page 97]]Afternoon went to Jones & Laughlin ir works. H. H. Laughlin a member of local committee conducted us. Serious looking young man makes excellent impression. Evening there was a reception in England room of Fort Pitt Hotel. My [[portrait?]] was in the news paper. Celine seems to enjoy it all.]]
May 5. Opening meeting in England room of Fort Pitt Hotel. Beautiful room, Excellent attendance. Address of Welcome by Mr. Morse president of Pittsburgh engineers very good. Then reading of papers until at 12.M. Hurried lunch then to Jones, Laughlin's works.[[continued page 96]] 
Drove home rather tired. Evening meeting in Hotel. I delivered my address, Science and Industry. Excellent attendance and was much applauded. Seem to have struck the right subject. Heard afterwards many favorable comments. Papers abstracted my address in excellent way. Conducted the meeting until 10:30 PM then felt rather tired.
May. 6. Next morning up early, again beautiful weather. All day excursion for members by train. Ladies had auto party