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them to him and provisionally, not to do anything with anybody else in pipe stem line until we had a chance to come further together. Then Swan came here and took lunch. Protal gets first order 20000 valve discs from Nathan Mfg. Co Reports satisfactory progress. 
Came here this afternoon M. Warner of Scovill Mfg Co. Waterbury Conn. Showed him my samples want to use Bakelite Lacquer and Bakelite paper for Glove Buttons etc. Managed to dictate many letters. a very busy day. Headache. It is time that I should get proper organisation. 
May 12. Dictating Patent specifications for Phonograph records and Shellac paper 
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work in laboratory with Gotthelf relatively white C. May. 13. Went to New York to see editor of Print Oil & Drug Reporter relative article of remit of [[coricular?]] reports. Met Dubois at Drug Club and took lunch with him and told him intend to make Bakelite Co. He says the consumption of formaldehyde is 5 million lbs a year! Took supper at Mouquins. 
May 14. Dr. Whitaker came here at 11 A.M and I drove him around Yonkers house hunting He took lunch here. then drove him to N.Y. There met Alfred Jacobson ^[[--Brother in law of Segal]] at University Club where I took supper with the latter. Drove home about 10.P.M. 
May 15. (Sunday) remained home and rested.