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They seemed favorably inclined with my proposition told them would send them a memorandum They asked me to send them letter [[underline red]] postponing [[/underline red]] date of deliveries of original Protal contract which I promised to do. Then went to Protal Office where I met [[underline red]] Weidman [[/underline]] he showed me his intended paper for Niagara Falls [[strikethrough]] a possib [[/strikethrough] [[underline]] containing many pompous and [[strikethrough]][[?]][[strikethrough]] misleading statements about Protal. Is the man without judgement or practical sense or does he willingly try to give an unwarranted importance to Protal? [[/underline]]
At 6 [[superscript underline]] 30 [[/superscript /underline]] P.M at University Club met Hooker & Gruff preliminary conference as to contract with 
[[margin]] 1/2 day X [[/margin]]
Siemans & Halske. Charge 1/2 day to Hooker Electrachemical Co Drove home with Lewis
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
who had brought Miss Gruff to town.
May 24. Visit of [[underline]] Seabury [[/underline]] who looks pale and worn out. told him about tubing machine ordered by Protal Co.
Came here same afternoon Mr. Moore of a Terra Cotta Co who wanted to use Bakelite for [[underline]] mending Terra Cotta [[/underline]] stones showed him my samples. and told him I believe there'is little hope in that direction
May 25. [[underline]] First phonograph discs  [[/underline]] made with samples of paper furnished by May Very good results. - Raining sultry day.
May 26. Splendid weather. [[underline]] Another order for one barrel from Boonton Rubber Co. [[/underline]] This raises our average sales for this month to [[underline]] about 2 tons![[/underline]] and crosses decidedly the line