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June. 1.
Busy all morning dictating. Beautiful weather.  At 4P.M came [[underline]] Swan & Wiechmann, [[/underline]] made a successful demonstration with [[underline]] Bakelite paper. [[/underline]] made one phonograph record which Wiechmann took along.
Drove him back home and I drove to Station afterwards went for supper at Mouquin's. took sleeper to Niagara. Ticket 
return = 17 [[underline superscript]] 00 [[/underline /superscript]] 
sleeper 2 [[underline superscript]] 25 [[/underline /superscript]]
Supper. 1 [[underline superscript]] 50 [[/underline /superscript]]
[[Expenses?]] . $20.75 [[underline]] to be charged [[/underline]] to [[underline]] Hooker [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Chemical Co [[/strikethrough]] Electrochemical Co
[[margin]] X $20. [[underline superscript]] 75 [[/underline /superscript]] [[/margin]]
June 2. Arrived Niagara 10 AM hurried breakfast with orange [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] More than a dozen [[underline]] insurance adjusters [[/underline]] here. Loss is [[underline]] about $200 000 [[/underline]].  Cell room totally destroyed ditto old bleach chambers all work
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Transcription Notes:
Is it Wiedmann or Wiechmann? I prefer Wiedmann