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[[start page]][[Margin]]4[[/margin]]
[[Margin]]x later 1933 Ambassador to France[[/margin]]
mansion of young Straus son of the dry-goods man Macy's In the morning we had invited the other son who has a house close by.
Sept.5. Labor day. hotter and sultrier. Started to walk to sea shore but it was too hot. so motored.
Celine, Mrs. Loeb and all (except Loeb  and myself) took seabath at Seabright-bathing Club. Afternoon went to newly erected Country club nearby. then pleasant motor drive to station. where we took boat to New York. had ^[private] state room of Schiff. Arrived 42nd street about 8P.M. Lewis there with motor car. Supper at Claremount restaurant: thence home. Feel glad to be home. 
[[End page]]
[[start page]]
Sept.6. Unusually sultry uncomfortable weather. Dictated belated letters all morning. Gotthelf back from his vacation. _ Uncomfortable day. cooler at night with fresh breeze.
Sept.7. Hurried to New York at noon. First to ^[meet] see T.C. Beach of Scientific American left him correspondence concerning [[underline]]Resinit[[/underline]] and Bakelit so that his editor may know how matters stand. + [[strikethrough]]floor[[/strikethrough]] hurried to [[underline]]Peters /underline]] office. Learned [[underline]]Patterson[[/underline]] has broken skull. Thru automobile accident doubtful whether he will live [[underline]]Peters, Williams, Kent, Benjamin + Wiedman there [[/underline]].  
[[margin]] and correct that erroneous article by Waldemar Kaempffert[[margin]]
Refuted what I had said before relative desirability of consolidation with Boonton. Wiedman read me of his usual reports serene and satisfied; shifting
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Believe name in margin is Kaempffert, a U.S. science writer employed by Scientific American during the relevant time period. I could not understand the other names either. I have corrected some of the other names. Often, LHB leaves off the last "n" from Wiedmann. HK