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put up money as long as he gets a portion of it. I demolished his arguments. After meeting Peter, William & Kent, all assured me that they had the utmost respect for me that nobody could show greater disinterestedness than I had shown in the making of my contacts. That now I am offering them stock ^[[x]] and cash guarantee of $10400.00 xx back they want me to understand that they do not desire that I should give back anything I have received from them etc.
 ^[[margin]] x This stock was voluntarily given to me by Protal Co. xx The $10400 was the guaranty of minimum [[cons_?]] as per contract with them.]]
Sept .8. This afternoon went to see [[underline]] Hasslacher [[/underlined]], who showed me revised contract which comes nearer to what we want. I made some other slight changes. He says he is willing to take all of the [[underlined]] $300.000 [[/underlined]]. Still
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kicking about [[underlined]] Protal [[/underlined]] contracts wants them annuled if possible. After that I went to see Weidman in his office. And further talk on consolidation and on ^[[percent]] [[condition?]] of Protal Co. there and later on at Belleclaire Hotel where I took supper with him. He seems reasonable enough and seems to have made up his mind that he is going to lose his position. Came home about ten 
Sept-9. It [[strikeout]] ran [[/strikeout]] rained all night. At 2. P.M went to see [[underline]] Peters & Williams [[/underline]], told them about my visit to [[underline]] Wiedman [[/underline]] explained them why it would be preferable for them to use the other Protal stockholders to join me in the General Bakelite Co instead of subscribing more money to Protal Co and [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] then become joint owners of my patents instead of simply licensees.

Transcription Notes:
Protal is the name of a company... Jacob Hasslacher