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my logic I outlined afterwards in memorandum form (See typewritten memorandum sent to them). I see clearly now that there is no other logical way for anybody who wants to invest his money and let the matter go on its own merits.
I feel I have done good work. Went to University club then for supper at Mouquins.
In a corner saw [underline]Schweitzer[/underline] with [underline]Wagner[/underline] of Chicago and two or three other men I did not recognize. Avoided meeting them. Later on met Tyndale with a friend of his and we walked along Fifth Ave to the Station together.
Sept.10. Clean crisp cool weather Dictated all morning. Restful day
Sept 11. Spent morning laboratory estimates of cost of equipment
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and running expences for General Bakelite Co. Come to conclusion that if everything falls thru I am still in very good condition to run things along with some extra outlay say $5000 for advertising and the remaining money for engaging a man like [underline]May[/underline] * This will give me all the flexibility of being independent and to run with minimum expense and have direct returns probably much higher in the beginning then with the great expenses and unwieldiness of a big organization.
In the afternoon [[Doermes]] called we motored him back to Cortland Station. -Have been reading a book just published: [underline]Book of Daniel Drew[/underline] which gives an account of that unscrupulous

^[margin]Herbert May had been introduced to me and warmly commended by Charles Baskerville - Afterwards offer I had engaged May, Baskerville told me several members of his family had shown symptoms of nervous disorders: I had to find this out later on. by the behavior of Herbert May.[[margin]]
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