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trio of so called [[underline]]high finance men[[underline]]; better called sneak thieves Drew. Fish. Gould. 
[[underline]]Sept.12.[underline]] Up early. George's [[strikeout]]goes to[[strikeout]] school begins. Fine clear cool weather. Hurried through correspondence. Then went to see Hasslacher about contracts. He came back from Catskills with [[strikeout]]that[[strikeout]] more misgivings about Protal Contract. Says is entirely willing to go ahead but for that. I told him to let matters stand until Wednesday after I have had meeting of board of directors of Protal Co. Went to University club thence to Mouguins then to first meeting of executive committee of Society Chemical Industry McKenna chairman - [[Strikeout]][[?]][[strikeout]] Love. Kenna Briggs 
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Pond and W.D. Horne there. Schweitzer has sent in his resignation as hon. Secretary. What will his next move be? - Wants to be president in 1912?
I felt very tired when I came home. I left with Seligsberg 100 shares Southern Pacific and 1 share Louisville property from which I got a receipt  ^[[and borrowed $1000]].
[[underline]]September 13.[[underline]] Beautiful mild weather. [[underline]]Lewis[[underline]] making [[underline]]solid A.[[underline]] Got advice by telephone from [[underline]] Seabury [[underline]] that [[underline]] Williams [[underline]] & Benjamin [[underline]] have been up there and that matters look promising.
Lewis ill with headache in afternoon. [[underline]] Hasslacher [[underline]] says wants to see me. Drove there after supper to his house. [[underline]]George[[underline]] went along with me. At 7.P.M. in motor car. [[underline]] George [[underline]] had cracked window shield of car by fussing with it.
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Transcription Notes:
Seabury of Boonton Rubber Company