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I felt much irritated at delay etc. and berated him for it. I lost my temper but afterwards calmed down After all [underline]George is no worse than I was at his age[underline] and very probably much more reliable and steady than I was.
Found [underline]Hasslacher [underline] at table with [underline]Dubois[underline]. I suggested to him that in order to settle all his objections with Protal Co the latter should write me a letter relinquishing all rights relative any possible exclusive license on which they might have option in case I did not give the exclusive licenses to other parties with which I am supposed to have now pending negotiations. He seems to be very much pleased at 
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this because this is exactly what he wanted to propose to me. I had prepared a paper to that effect which in wording corresponds almost entirely with the simpler wording of my proposed letter of which I brought copies along. This made matters smooth sailing and we agreed easily. At 9:30 P.M drove home much satisfied of my interview. George drove the car and I felt entirely calm again
September 14 Very busy all morning dictating letters. At noon took train to New York went to trustees of [[underline]] Protal Co Peters. Williams. Wiecdman Kent Benjamin and Van Sinderen [[underline]] present. Benjamin read report favoring consolidation with Boonton. I was rather asto-

Transcription Notes:
Boonton Rubber Company