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to see him endorse my project. Altho' I had to go for him to correct some direct misstatements which seemed to be calculated to do me harm. I [[underline]] dislike the fellow does not seem sincere [[/underline]]; seems full of tricks. [[margin]] [[underline]] Protal meeting [[/underline]][[/margin]]  After report was read; van Sinderen who just had come back from his vacation in Europe seemed astonished at turns matters had taken and [[underline]] asked abruptly to Wiechman whether he approved all that and Wiechman answered: "Yes, Howard it' all right." [[/underline]] which pleased me greatly.  Then I asked them to insert few words in paper contract so as to make its meaning clearer without otherwise disturbing the content. Van Sinderen readily consented
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but that old trickster of [[underline]][[Benjamin]] [[/underline in red]] tried to put spokes in the wheels until I insisted and carried my point.  Same occurred after I wanted them to write me letter as discussed last evening with Hasslacher. After I showed them that whether they did this or not the result would be just the same, because if they refused to do I had simply to give the exclusive agency to other parties according to my conditions [[strikeout]] I plea [[/srikeout]] it pleased me to make to other parties, [[underline in red]] Benjamin [[/underline]] again tried to [[strikeout]] just to [[/strikeout]] retard matters but was [[underline in red]] overruled by all the others. [[/underline]]
I went to see Hasslacher about 5 P.M and told him my news.  he and Dubois seemed pleased and congratulated me and he says: "now