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we must lose no further time and get going."  Afterwards I joined [[underlined in red]] Sternberg [[underlined]] at [[strikethrough]] his [[strikethrough]] Hotel York. 36th st. and 7th Ave and took simple supper with him.  He talked business to me all evening - we went to see a play called "The commuters." and I went home with  11 27 PM train
Sept. 15. Dictated many hurried letters relative adjustment of [[underlined in red]] Protal [[/underlined]] and [[underlined in red]] General Bakelite Co.; [[/underlined]] as soon as ready jumped in motorcar and Lewis drove me to 96th st. thence went per Subway to [[underlined in red]] Peters & Williams [[/underlined]] office submitted them the letters for approval, took short lunch with them, then hurried to Creevey so as to submit [[strikethrough]] letter [[/strikethrough]] text of letters of notification to
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[[underlined in red]] Protal Co [[/underlined]] to him before submitting to [[underlined in red]] van Sinderen, he[[/underlined]], approves.  We then had [[strikethrough]] digu [[/strikethrough]] discussion of contact by which I give [[underlined in red]] Hasslacher group [[/underlined]] controling vote in directors. + I suggested some modifications in text which were accepted. With this clear I went to [[underlined]] Van Sinderen [[/underlined]] submitted him my letters of notification I had made [[underlined in red]] He too says its all right [[underlined]], then went to [[strikethrough]] D&F[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Hooker Electrochemical Co.[[underline]] nobody in but Hilton. dictated letter for Hooker.  then went to [[underlined in red]] Hasslacher [[/underlined]] to report further. He seems pleased now. Then joined Lewis who was waiting for me with motor car at 72d street. On arriving home found [[underlined in red]]Seabury [[/underlined]] who seems [[underlined in red]] pleased [[underlined]] at prospect of consolidation. From what I hear

^[[Vertical note in left margin]] (as a friendly but no legal concession because [[strikethrough]] U.S. [[/strikethrough]] N.Y state laws forbid voting trusts beyond 5 years duration. Merely wanted to show my good will as long as I had controlling interest by my majority stock holdings
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Transcription Notes:
I don't know the Hass____ name Likely Jacob Hasslacher -ss