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Afternoon.  George drove us (Celine [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]], Keneth Hall & myself) first to [[underlined in red]] Miss Masters [[/underlined in red]] school in Dobb's Ferry to present [[underlined in red]] Nina for acceptation [[/underlined in red]].  Then we took Nyack Ferry drove thru lovely Piermont, then thru. picturesque wild mountain wood of Palisade Woods.  Reminiscences of western woods. but without charred trees! Splendid all this. then crossed woods to ledge of Palisades = sublime sight once more.  Was there ten years ago and had just some enchanting impressions - Decide to go there oftener and to stay there once a full day Then continued our lovely trip roads sometimes bumpy and hard but what does it matter.  Reached Fort George in time to catch 130ish. Ferry.  Great sight of New York in beginning
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evening.  electric lights in distance bright full moon.  What a sudden change after this lovely wilderness.  Noises of trains etc. Drove at fast clip to Yonkers.  All felt hungry.  Childern went to Hirts to celebrate 16th birthday of their daughter.  Celine and myself went to bed early. -- Found letter from [[underlined in red]] Rutgers [[/underlined in red]] stating that [[underlined in red]] Siemens Halske [[/underlined in red]] are ordering now [[underlined in red]] one ton at a time - of Bakelite asbestos mixture.[[/underlined in red]]
Sept. 18. The Baskerville's were here for lunch, and supper.  Drove them back in evening.  George driving.
Sept. 19.  Foggy heavy weather.  Looks like rain. [[underlined in red]] [[Ornstein?]] [[/underlined in red]] came here to tell me about his resignation at [[underlined in red]] Hooker electrochemical [[/underlined in red]] Company
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Transcription Notes:
Random underlinings in red pencil throughout. Ink blot before 2nd sentence in Sept. 18 entry; goes down through word "evening" in next line.