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[[Lays?]] is tired of waiting and inaction. is not a matter of salary but wants to make himself useful so as to [[underlined]] earn [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]deserve [[/underlined]] a salary. He is perfectly right. Told him not to be in too great hurry before taking decision. I would like to reach Hooker now but again he is out of reach. I hear he is in Buffalo 
[[underlined in red]] D^r. Bancroft [[/underlined]] and his wife arrived here just before supper came from Ithaca [[underlined]] with motor car and chauffeur [[/underlined]] Both seemed tired and dusty. Poor Bancroft had a bad cold and coughed much. [[underlined in red]] [[Ornstein?]] [[/underlined in red]] stayed for supper then George drove him to station. - We lighted log fire in the hall as it felt 
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rather chilly. 
Sept. 20. [[underlined in red]]Bancroft[[/underlined in red]] got up cheerful as usual; seems entirely rested. Showed him my laboratory. Then piloted them with my car over 59[[underlined]]th[[/underlined]] street Bridge to Long Island, then Celine, Nina returned with [[strikethrough]] me and [[/strikethrough]] Lewis and me. Fine mild hazy weather. Splendid drive until we [[underlined in red]] got stuck in Central Park [[/underlined in red]], car suddenly stopping on account of [[strikethrough]] key [[/strikethrough]] broken key in rear axle. I went to Stevens Durey Garage car was towed in. and we all returned home by Subway. Lucky that this did not occur on a more serious occasion. 
Sept. 21. [[strikethrough]] At 2. P.M [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]]Wiechman[[/underlined in red]] has written to [[underlined in red]]van Sinderen[[/underlined in red]] & Peters & Williams a rather [[strikethrough]] slipping [[/strikethrough]] slippery letter where he tries to insinuate 
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