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and I signed my agreement and assigned my patents. Very hot sultry weather since several days and still waiting for rain. everything is drying out. Went to University Club and there awaited until 7P.M [[underline in red]]Celine[[/underline in red]] who was motored there by Lewis. Took supper at Claremount with [[underline in red]]Celine[[/underline in red]] very pleasant evening. Warm mild temperature. Drove home about 9.P.M. [[underline in red]] This is the happy termination of second part of my Bakelite work.[[/underline in red]] A good reasonable contract, good people to cooperate and the feeling that I have earned my part of the contract and that everything is fair and square and properly prepared for action [[underline in red]] and -now ahead.[[/underline in red]][[in red pencil]]![[/in red pencil]]
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[[pencil in margin]]53[[/pencil in margin]]
Oct. 6. Up early correcting typewritten copies of yesterdays dictation as to plan of action. Dictated hurriedly more matter then at 11 drove to Cortlandt then to Seligsberg to deposit check for $30.000. (Yesterday deposited check for $60 000 at my bank. Hurried lunch.) Went for lantern slides of wreck. x [[margin]]of train wreck in California x[[margin]]This afternoon conference with [[red underline]]Creevey[[/red underline]]. Wanted to see [[red underline]] Thurlow [[/red underline]] this morning but [[red underline]] was not there again [[/red underline]] when I left. Sultry unpleasant weather. drought unbroken
Oct 7. Busy dictating all morning rushed to New York fetched lantern slides of wreck. Conference with [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] at office. May looks pale and haggard and nervous. Seems to think his designation "Office Manager" not high enough (!) Says sounds like office boy. - I am afraid
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Transcription Notes:
the x after wreck means go read the margin note