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[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] had to hunt for dry cells. The Baskerville's, and Whitaker drove home with us. I felt rather tired after a very strenuous day. 
Oct 8. Dictated all morning matters relating to Gen. Bakelite Co. took a nap to get some rest. In evening went to University Club for supper; there I met Little, Parsons, Walker, Hillebrand & Bancroft. walked to chemists Club where meeting for electing Chairmen of sections of [[underline(red)]] International Congress [[/end underline]] was assembled. I was [[underline(red)]] elected Chairman of Rubber & Plastics. Schweitzer [[/end underline]] tried to get in section of Legislation & Patents. Just what I thought! I got up and called attention to danger of having man representing private interests and 
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recommended Byrnes. Then Plant got up and said in England we had the Lord Chief Justice and here we ought to have Hughes. Then Bancroft moved no decision should be taken on such an important matter without due deliberation and Schweitzer got left. Went home with Evans with [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 12 [[underline]] 35 [[/underline]] train. 
Oct. 9. (Sunday) Spent morning arranging statements for conference with [[underline(red)]] Thurlow [[/underline(red)]] relative to settlement of our relations. Took a nap. [[underline(red)]] Thurlow [[/underline(red)]] came at 3 P.M I asked him first what he wanted after I had explained him how my business matters stood. He first spoke of 20% which I showed him was absurd and out of the question. I offer him 440 share of my General Bakelite Stock in full settle- 
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