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fast now that I have spare cash.
[[margin note in red]] Transformer of Skinner [[/margin]]
[[underlined]]Oct. 13.[[/underlined]]Dr. [[underlined in red]] Whitney, Barringer, [[/underlined]] Thompson (son of Prof. [[insertion]] Elihu [[/insertion]] Thompson of General electric Co and [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined]] of Roessler. Hasslacher all here early. [[underlined in red]] Thurlow [[/underlined]] demonstrated paste molding. then took all lunch here. then drove in motor car to 72d st. then to office where I showed them further samples. [[underlined in red]] Skinner [[/underlined]] of [[underlined in red]]  Westinghouse [[/underlined]] arrived there with good news. [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]]. Told me after the General Electric men were gone that he has succeeded in building up a [[underlined in red]]  transformer 8 feet long and about 12" diameter [[/underlined]] (or was it a transformer terminal. which has stood test of 275000 volts 1 minute and is now on life test working load 110000 V. Also brought me report of 
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[[comparative?]] dielectric of shellac paper and paper coated with Bakelite varnish. . very satisfactory. Went with him and [[underlined in red]] May [[/underlined]] for supper. University club then drove him to Hudson Tunnel entrance 23d st. then we motored home. It was cold and I gave my ^[[insertion]] light [[/insertion]] overcoat to [[underlined in red]] May [[/underlined]] and we and Lewis padded ourselves with newspaper and managed not to feel too cold.
[[vertical margin note in red]] Rossi. [[/vertical margin note]] 
Oct. 14 [[underlined]] Friday [[/underlined]].- [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined]] here early started [[underlined in red]] Lewis [[/underlined]] one run Varnish to show [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined]]. After hurried dictation here rushed to New York. [[underlined in red]] May now has telephone [[/underlined]]. Much racket yet on account of hammering etc. This noise makes me unfit to good work there and [[underlined in red]] May smokes his vile pipe in office! [[/underlined]] Pfew.  [[underlined in red]] Got order of six barrels Liquid A for Pittsfield. - first order [[/underlined]]
[[margin note in red]] 6 Barrels![[/margin note]]
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