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Drove home with Whitaker in his little [[strikethrough]]Huffon[[/strikethrough]] Hup mobile. cold night. Padded myself with newspaper and borrowed overcoat of Bowman. 
Oct. 22. Stayed home dictated letters etc. restful day [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] order [[red underline]] two more barrels of varnish. [[/red underline]] This brings orders of the month up to $ [[red underline]] 1800 [[/red underline]]. the biggest we ever had. [[red underline]] Things seem to be progressing nicely. [[/red underline]]
Yesterday afternoon in New York office Dyer, president of [[red underline]] National Phonograph Co [[/red underline]] came to see me in regard to long deferred appointment. Showed him my samples and explained process. Did not make price. told the matter had to be deferred until later. May was present
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He will send his technical expert Monday afternoon to Yonkers so that Thurlow can show him how to proceed in testing our samples.
This evening went to fetch Toch at Cortland. He took supper with us. [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] and he gave me some advice relative Bakelite Varnish etc. Drove him to Cortland at 10 P.M. Rainy wet day. Toch goes to Europe for four weeks next week.
(Sunday) Oct 23 ^[[1910]] Quiet morning. Told to George to get all data for building a boat together. afternoon drove to Whiteplains to Felix Warburg's Country place to lunch with Jacob Schiff + his wife and Morris Loeb + wife splendid place. english manor style. Big swimming bath near green house, ^[[glass]] covered and with plants. so as to make it look
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