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tution and Bye-Laws of Chemists Club in accordance to requirements of new building McKenna. [[red underline]] Bowman + Hesse [[/red underline]] there. Made good and quick work. Took 11 [[superscript]] 40 [[/superscript]] train home but feel very tired.
Nov 11. All morning here. then at noon to New York [[red underline]] Sternberg [[/red underline]] came around at about 3P.M and talked a lot like usually. Says cannot arouse interest for [[red underline]] grind stones [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]][[Dichman?]] [[/red underline]] Co nor [[red underline]] Carbourndum nor Norton but expects to find people to join him [[/red underline]]. I confident of success, show several letters to [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] and myself expressing [[red underline]] full satisfaction [[/red underline]] as to [[red underline]] excellent qualities [[/red underline]] of Bakelite [[red underline]] grinding wheels [[/red underline]] May, he and myself took hurried supper at Mouquin 
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then left them at 7P.M at 42d street and I went to meet member of Am. Chem. Society at Savoy. Then to [[red underline]] Chemists Club [[/red underline]] to hear lecture of Pearsall on [[red underline]] Rubber. Culture in So America. [[/red underline]] Took 12 [[superscript]] 30 [/superscript]] P.M train home and feel rather tired.
November 12. Spent morning in lab and dictating letters. Lewis is on a vacation for a few days. Evening went to Waldorf Astoria dinner of [[written in another hand and pen]] W.H. [[/written in another hand and pen]] Nichols. Meeting of executive committee of [[red underline]] International Congress. Splendid dinner but little time lost except for work. [[/red underline]] Our ByLaws were discussed and approved. [[red underline]] Nichols has certainly much [[/red underline]] tact and excellent organizer Got thru near midnight came home subway with
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Transcription Notes:
Pearsall, Texas is the home of Pearsall Rubber Company. I looked it up on Google. HK