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[[Margin]] Schroeitzer [[/margin]]
[[red underline]] McKenna this time behaved like a man. [[/underline]] said Toch had already resigned. and he ruled that election of Whitaker made him ipso facto member of board. Then [[red underline]] showed by [[/underline]] minutes of [[red underline]] former secretary Schweitzer [[/underline]] that for fourteen years [[red underline]] the latter had not been reelected [[/underline]] and had held [[red underline]] his position illegally! [[margin]]2 red exclamation points[[margin]] That during the last three years there had been more trustees than allowed by the laws. Unt [[German for And?]] [[underline]]no trace was left of funds of 1904 etc. etc. [[/underline]] [[margin]]3 red exclamation points [[margin]] This produces laughter to all of us but made Parker look cross and puzzled. 
Nov. 23. Busy as usual in morning at 1 [[superscript]] 30 [[/superscript]] P.M met Dr. Weston at office went with him for lunch at Drug Club there Dr. Waldstein interrupted 
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us. [[strikethrough]] latter [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Weston reports good success with Bakelite is much pleased has used it for new purposes, intends to extend considerably its use. is equipping [[/underline]] himself with quite some machinery. [[Margin in red, underlined]] Weston [[/Margin]]  Warns me against [[red underline]] Edison [[/underline]] told me several stories of the duplicity and lack of commercial honesty of the latter. [[strikethrough]] mentions [[/strikethrough]] told story how [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] sold the same invention several times at different parties until they all found it out when it was too late. Smith, [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] Dyers assistant [[x, denoting note in margin]][[margin]]"nephew of Dyer all employed by Edison"[[margin]] came in to show me samples of bad Bakelite discs and to complain of defects wanted more information. In presence of [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Werton [[/red underline]] I asked him why they did not try Condensite. Told him I was willing to sell them Bakelite for any purpose whatsoever 
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Transcription Notes:
Condensite was an early plastic company, eventually rival to General Bakelite Co. HK