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on returning home at 11 [[underline]] 15 [[/underline]] PM motor back fired. Lewis informed me that each had let gasoline run [[red underline]] out of carburetor. [[/red underline]] Only 2" gasoline. etc etc. Stopped at University Club for my valise. Cold very cold not withstanding our heavy furs. Then at about 1 P.M. [[red underline]] punctured tire [[/red underline]] near [[Lowerce?]] arrived home, much chilled and sleepy at 1 [[underline]] 15 [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] P.M. [[/strikethrough]] A.M. 
Dec. 10. Asbestos coating of house makes good appearance. Got up too early. Spent morning in laboratory. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] still [[red underline]] absent from office. [[/red underline]] Nice cold snowy winter weather Took nap in afternoon. Evening went to dinner of [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] at Nippon Club Offices of [[red underline]] Institute Chemical Engineers there. [[/red underline]] They tell me I am [[red underline]] Vice President. [[/red underline]] Sat next to [[red underline]] Acheson [[/red underline]] who seemed 
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in very cheerful mood, and next to Consul General of Japan who seemed eager to give us information about Japan. Usual tussle with chop sticks. Enjoyed dinner much. Made speech lauding Takamine. Went home Subway with Whitaker. 
Sunday Dec. 11. It is still snowing. Snow quite thick. spent day indoors reading and sleeping and prepared [[license?]] arrangement for Dyer. 
Dec. 12. At 2 P.M. met [[red underline]] Swan. [[/red underline]] Peters &  Williams. [[red underline]] Swan shows excellent results made with paper impregnated with dissolved A then dried. [[/red underline]] Met a certain Dr. Van Dyke in our office. Supper at Mouquin. Leonie writes me wants a new stove. Sent check to mother. 
Dec.13. Met [[red underline]] Hasslacher & Foersterling [[/red underline]] & Roessler at lunch for conference. at 3 P.M. met Jayne of [[red underline]] Barret Mfg [[/red underline]] Co
Dec. 14 Got cable about arrangement of Swiss patents. too late for swiss Consul. lower of house begun coating with asbestos
[[margin]] "Snug Rock" written in red pencil [[margin]]
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Transcription Notes:
Takamine is Japanese chemist friend of LHB. HK Leonie is his sister in Belgium. HK