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[[margin note]] Alfred Williams submitted corrected article [[electricity?]] [[/margin note]]
Lunch with Hasslacher at Drug Club. Then at 3 [[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] P.M. meeting of executive committee of [[underlined in red]] International Congress. [[/underlined in red]] Had to elect vice president of Section of Law and Legislation. [[Plant?]] proposes [[underlined in red]] Schweitzer.[[/underlined in red]] I made a little speech recommending Dudley. Another man ([[underlined in red]] (Schweitzer?) [[/underlined in red]]) recommended Chandler. Result [[underlined in red]] Schweitzer [[/underlined in red]] got one vote! and [[underlined in red]] Dudley [[/underlined in red]] was elected. [[underlined in red]] Toch tells me that he saw Schweitzer handing his own name! [[/underlined in red]] Present: Nichols, Hesse, Bogert, Toch, Hasslacher, Loeb, myself, Plant, Cushman
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Baskerville, Bancroft, Morley, Rosengarten and Whitaker.  The latter voted for Pinney. Another object lesson for Schweitzer.
In the evening went for supper to University Club then meeting of N.Y. Sectn of [[underlined in red]] Am. Chemical Society. [[/underlined in red]].  [[Roosanoff?]] got Nichols Medal.  ^[[Kennedy?]] Duncan gave lecture on commercial chemistry.  I discussed the subject. Missed last train went home by Subway then took carriage at Heavy's. Man there cheered me up by showing me their funeral chapel and similar interesting things!  Home late.
Saturday 7.  Stayed home sold 200 shares Smelting & Refining at 75 1/4 thru Seligsberg
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