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University Club for supper then meeting at [[underlined in red]] Society Chemical Industry executive [[/underlined in red]] committee. Lewis came to fetch me went home with Baskerville and Coblentz in my car. Slept badly. Fish supper was too heavy.
Jan. 31. Dictated letters all morning then hurried to office [[underlined in red]]HM Potter [[/underlined in red]] there from Los Angeles who came specially for molded Bakelite parts for his amalgamation machine. Went to visit [[underlined in red]] Chemists Club Bdg [[/underlined in red]] with [[underlined in red]] Potter [[/underlined in red]] met the other trustees there together with Bradley to find quarters for [[underlined in red]]inventors guild.[[/underlined in red]] Mortar and plaster everywhere, but
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things look very promising 
Afterwards long [[underlined in red]] meeting of Directors [[/underlined in red]] at Loeb's house. Nichols not there so I had to act as secretary. [[Plant?]] Chandler and Loeb there besides myself. Formalities of Mortgage transfer lasted until 6 P.M. Then went to meet Dudley at his room in Belmont. I took hurried supper at Grand Union Flemish restaurant then home
February 1. At 11.A.M. meeting board Directors of [[underlined in red]] Bakelite Co[[/underlined in red]] Then very busy all afternoon. [[underlined in red]] clumsy typewriters [[/underlined in red]] and much office drudge work. Took supper at University
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