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[[Note in top margin]] reason for wanting reversible boat steam engine was that I had used successfully a similar engine for my outfit in Yonkers. [[end note]]
{varn-}nish, reaction became violent before we knew it. Pressure bigger and bigger. was afraid still was going to explode so made them all run out while I watched, knowing better what to expect, finally mastered reaction. Distilled off about 145 liters instead of 150. [[strikethrough]] Dick [[/strikethrough]] Lost my temper several times Finally managed to pull[[?]] this without a complete break down. then when everything was finished and while we were groping in the dark Frank foolishly took lantern to look in the still. A big alcohol
[[first note in left margin apparently written later]] There was no platform, merely a wooden ladder when I arrived. [[end note]]
[[second note in left margin apparently written contemporaneously]] Fortunately that I made them hustle to build temporary platform [[added later in different pen]] before started operation. [[/added later]] [[end note]]
[[end page]]
[[begin page]]
flame shot out and set his hair [[strikethrough]] afier [[/strikethrough]] afire. We yelled to him to jump from platform [[insert in upper margin]] he seemed not aware that his hair was afire, and stared at us with a stupid smile while landing[[?]] on the platform [[/insert]] then we extinguished his hair with our hands. Fortunately he had received no injury beyond his burnt hair and eyebrows. Foesterling was there. Then washed ourselves in the dark, to late for train. Took ferry to Staten Island with Frank, then train then Ferry to N.Y. I took supper at Mouquin at about 9. P.M. met Tyndale there and took 10 45 P.M home. [[red underline]] very tired [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and [[red underline]] mentally and physically [[/red underline]] but with the consolation 

Transcription Notes:
First word hyphenated