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[[red underline]] to stop ^[[the]] [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] the dangerous nonsense of his wife's calumnies. [[/red underline]] Dictated letters all morning. Stayed home all day working with vacuum drier & filter press in relation of wasted Solid A.
February 28. [[red underline]] Met Demuth at 2 P.M at William street. told him about our arrangement with Bakelite Gesellschaft on regard to  exportation. Told him about our price of $2.10 per lb. wholesale [[??]] C. He did not kick much. Came home with 6 [[underline superscript]] 15 [[/underline superscript]] P.M. Car at station with Celine and the children
March 1. [[red underline]] Our orders [[/red underline]] are
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[[red underline]] slightly ahead of those last month [[/red underline]] but I feel somewhat disappointed and anxiously fret that we have so few other orders and that I have not heard from [[red underline]] General Electric [[/red underline]] Co. At 11. A.M. board of directors. only one absent was Fosterling. Took lunch at Drug Club with Hasslacher and Greevey. Late afternoon [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] came to see me to arrange for conference next Sunday. He tells me average net earnings are [[red underline]]more than $20.000 per month [[/red underline]] at Niagara. 
March 2.At 2 P.M Brock of [[red underline]] Boonton Rubber Co [[/red underline]] came to announce progress with hard rubber Bakelite
[[vertical red line in left margin from "month but I feel somewhat" to "Co. At 11.A.M. board of"]]