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of foreign patent rights. Celine was in N.Y with the children at a concert at [[Mrs. Herters?]]. Came back at six.  Hooker and the others remained for supper than all drove back in Hookers car to Greenwich
March 6. Snowed much last night. Everything white again.  Cold crisp weather Remained home all day occupied in lab.
March 7. [[red underline]] No orders; this is very discouraging. [[/red underline]]  Drove to Cortland with car.  then to office.  Then went with Hasslacher to Engineers Club to where dinner was held in honor of [[inserted above line]] WH [[/inserted above line]] Nichols
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About twenty present.  Hasslacher there.  Baskerville presided.  I gave him a cigar holder and a pipe of Bakelite. telling him to go and smoke the pipe of peace with our european friends. Came home with Horne in train
March 8. Spent morning in lab.  then went with Celine in car to Subway. Meeting of [[red underline]] Protal directors [[/red underline]]. Van Sinderen tells me that [[red underline]] Wiechman [[/red underline]] is an old chum of his, [[red underline]] that he knows he has no business head etc [[/red underline]] but put therefore and as a [[red underline]] matter of loyalty to [[/red underline]] an old friend he intends to defend his interests. and
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