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with Evans 12[[underlined superscript]]30[[/underlined superscript]] P.M train
April 8. Remained in Yonkers all day. Feel considerably worried at [[red underline]] lack of push of Rossi. [[/red underline]] Took nap. Celine and I drove to N.Y. Rain. She went to theatre party with the ladies. I went to the smoker. Coho made good success of it. Newspaper printed. etc. and songs. Drove home in sudden snowstorm, half molten blinding big snow flakes [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] all landscape white, heavy coat of snow.
April 9. (Sunday) Several inches of snow everywhere. Melted
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after a few hours. Restful day. Children away to [[red underline]] Midddlebrooks [[/red underline]] in Dobbs Ferry
April 10. Early to office. then hurried to [[red underline]] Perth Amboy. [[/red underline]] Everything very much [[red underline]] unsettled [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] mixed up. Disorder everywhere. Good strong talk to Rossi [[/red underline]] told him to clean up. The last two runs of pipe stems all cracked in second heating in Bakelizer. I found there is no necessity for second heating and one heating is entirely good enough. Remained there till 7 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M then back over Staten Island. Took late supper at Beaux. Arts and lodged at Chemists Club
April 11. Slept well went early to office. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] much late
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Transcription Notes:
Coho most likely refers to Wallace P. Cohoe, spelled correctly in other parts of diary.