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[[in pencil]] 90 [[/in pencil]]
Talking Machine Co Told him to hurry his experiments. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] still ill. Home with 5 [[underlined superscript]] 45 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M.
May 6. Restful day. splendid weather. Dictated all morning. Spent afternoon lying on lawn. Glorious.
May 7. Irrigated [[peach?]] rows. [[Pierre?]] for lunch. Afternoon read Worden's book on Cellulose till late
May 8. Went to Perth Amboy with Swan. Rain - Supper at Chemists Club.
May 9. Went to see my wrecked motor at Brady's. Then early to New York. Lunch with Foersterling and others at Drug Club.
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[[red underline]] Dubois [[/red underline]] expresses disappointment in way buttons are made. [[circled text inserted where indicated below under May 10]] Met Celine at Chemists Club then we went for supper at Beaux Arts. [[/circled text]]
May 10. went to Perth Amboy. [[red underline]] Thurlow [[/red underline]] not there. [[insert circled text as noted above]]
May 11. [[red underline]] Demuth [[/red underline]] came to see me at office about pipestems changing color. Very warm. Violent thunderstorm last night. Home with 5 [[underlined superscript]] 15 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M.
May 12. Hot and sultry. Went to office then [[strikethrough]] 1130 [[/strikethrough]] 
1 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M to Perth Amboy. Back with 5 [[underlined superscript]] 29 [[/underlined superscript]] PM from P.A.
May 13. Stayed home. Letters all morning Restful afternoon. beautiful weather.
May 14. (Sunday) Restful day. Beautiful weather. did not leave Snug Rock
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