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at our office at noon went to Chemists Club where took lunch with [[Roeher?]], then took train home at 3 P.M
May 20. Sultry weather. Dictated letters all morning. Afternoon went on board [[Foregger's?]] [[margin]] sail [[margin]] boat. - not the slightest breeze.
May 21 (Sunday) Home all day wrote report situation of [[red underline]] General Bakelite Co [[/red underline]] for Hasslacher. Hot sultry weather.
May 22. Sultry hot weather
went to N.Y 10 [[superscript, underlined]] 46 [[/superscript, underlined]] office Met [[red underline]] Cohoe [[/red underline]] told him our arrangement of royalty 6 cents is not right for
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transparent articles, offered to make one on base of 25% of profits and include wood impregnation. He submitted matter to van der Linde who thinks it all right. Took hurry sandwich and went together until 1 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript]] P.M to Perth Amboy where I showed him everything in our factory. [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] there [[red underline]] making condensers. [[/red underline]]
At 4 [[superscript, underlined]] 44 [[/superscript]] returned with Gotthelf and [[red underline]] Cohoe. [[/red underline]] Supper at University Club with [[red underline]] Dr. Cushman [[/red underline]] who came to talk about Bakelite lining for tin cans. Then walked to Century Club where we met [[red underline]] Dr. Finley [[/red underline]] & Baskerville. [[red underline]] We found to day that reason our new pipe stems are not [[/red underline]] clear is that the phenol
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