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May 31. Sore throat. feverish night. night-sweat. Poor sleep. Rained much this breaks the long drought
At 2 P.M Interview with [[Broet/Bract?]] who tells me [[red underline]] Bosch Magneto [[/red underline]] people in Europe have [[red underline]] cabled here to discontinue attempts with Bakelite after the people here [[/red underline]] were very pleased and ready to go ahead.
June 1. At noon lunch in Drug Club with Drecherhoff & Dubois
At 6 P.M went to Plaza Hotel to meet Professor Kobner [[Kobner with umlaut]]. Walked thru Central Park till 8 P.M then University Club
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then Chemists Club where I met [[red underline]] Lewinstein [[/red underline]] of England. Baskerville's staff had offered him dinner at Club I remained there slept in British Schools & Universities room.
June 2. [[strikethrough]] [[then?]] [[/strikethrough]] Up at 6 A.M. This morning at breakfast in a conversation with [[red underline]] Lewinstein [[/red underline]] he tells me that when he was proposed as president of Society of Chemical Industry [[red underline]] Schweitzer [[/red underline]] wrote to England that american chemists would dislike it because he was a [[red underline]] Jew. Lewinstein [[/red underline]] tells me he (L) is responsible for the new working clause in the british patent law.
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