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[[underline red]] Cracks [[/underline red]] in [[underline red]] new pipe stems. [[/underline red]]  Good samples matt lacquer black.  I calculate [[underline red]] we are losing at the rate of $100 daily. [[/underline red]]  Left with 4 [[underscore superscript]]44 [[/underscore superscript]] PM
June 7.  Meeting board of directors everybody present but Hasslacher now in Europe. [[underline red]] Cushman [[/underline red]] & [[underline red]] Coggeshall [[/underline red]] here for cans.  Took lunch together at Drug Club.  Marsh came later.  took supper with him at Chemists Club.  Columbia class of '79 there with Stone.  Later met Gould, home with 12 [[underscore superscript]] 30 [[/underscore superscript]] P.M
June 8.  Early to N.Y. lunch at Drug Club  1 [[underscore superscript]] 30 [[/underscore superscript]] P.M. to P.A. with [[underline red]] Coggeshall [[/underline red]] and [[underline red]] Baker [[/underline red]] the latter is the chemist of [[underline red]]Am. Can. Co.[[/underline red]] Was
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[[underline red]] shocked to find big vertical narrow tank of benzol varnish [[/underline red]] in laboratory tied with string to balustrade.  [[underline red]] Great fire [[/underline red]] risk - [[underline red]] remonstrated to Rossi [[/underline red]]  We seem to be getting over the cracks in the pipe bits.  Supper at the Chemists Club with [[underline red]] Baker [[/underline red]] and [[underline red]] Coggeshall. [[/underline red]] home at 12 Feel rather tired.
June 9.  Stayed home dictating letters all day.  Evening went to [[underline red]] Chemists Club [[/underline red]] last meeting of Am. [[underline red]] Chemical Society [[/underline red]] Home with 12 [[underscore superscript]] 30 [[/underscore superscript]] P.M  
June 10 Stayed home and dictated letters all day.  In afternoon Celine and myself went to amateur - circus performance of Halsted school.  Evening Nina gave party to girls
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