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118 [in margin]
Clifton Hotel on Canadian side. then back to Club, where supper then drove to Station thence to Buffalo Took D & L.  to New York.
June 23. Up early.  Arrived N.Y 8 [[superscript and underlined]] 40 [[/superscript and underlined]]. hurried to Jersey Central took 8 AM. train Perth Amboy. Orange for lunch.  Still [[underlined in red]] trouble with cracking [[strikeout]]bits [[/strikeout]] pipe stems. [[/underlined in red]]  Got order [[underlined in red]] 8 barrels Westinghouse. [[/underlined in red]]  Back 11[[superscript and underlined]] 15 [[/superscript and underlined]] with [[underlined in red]] Foersterling [[/underlined in red]].  The latter does not seem to be very clear about Aylesworth - [[Bachelum?]] patent situation.  Tried to set him right.
[[red X in margin]] Shore lunch at chemists
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Club. Sat between [[underlined in red]] Herreshof [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Wrigglesworth [[/underlined in red]]. and Dr. Levene.  Then to office for a short time then back to Club where [[Mione?]] with his car took me home with Evans and Judge Mc Lellan of Dobb's Ferry.  Good nights sleep.
June 24.  Fine day.  Dictated letters all morning.  Restful afternoon.
June 25 (Sunday).  Restful day. - Cloudy.  At home all day.
June 26.  Lunch with Dubois at Drug Club at [[2?]] P.M. Meeting directors chemist bdg. Broad street. Loeb. Nichols Jr. & Plaut.  Home with 5 [[underline superscript]]31 [[underline superscript]] P.M 
June 27. Left by Subway 9 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[underline superscript]] AM. with Celine and George in car. Lunch at Drug Club. Rossi & Swan
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