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are at Duranoid Co. Newark trying different [[red underline]] button [[/red underline]] mixtures Sultry damp day. home with 5 [[underline superscript]] 31 [[/underline superscript]] P.M
June 28. Met Swan at office. unsatisfactory results at [[red underline]] Duranoid Co. [[/red underline]] - he will go back at 1 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[/underline underscript]] P.M to P.A Very sultry weather.  Thurlow experimenting with colored C. Pipe stems still cracks.  We are hardening now [[red underline]] slowly in oven - 3-4 days! [[/red underline]] Visited new Roessler-Hasslacher office ^[[in Perth Amboy]] with Foesterling for first time
June 29. Bright clear day. [[red underline]] Gotthelf [[/red underline]] shows me that contrary to statement of Aylesworth, [[red underline]]Novalak & Hexamethylen [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] etetramine [[/red underline]] mixtures [[red underline]] do foam [[/red underline]] if heated at hardening temperatures. drove to 145 st with Celine and George at 1 P.M 
Swan reports that none of our new mixtures for quick molding buttons work as well as [[red underline]] Condensite [[/red underline]] altho' there is some improvement 
[[strike through]] Visited [[/strikethrough]] Went to new City Library for first time. home with 5 [[underline superscript]] 45 [[underline superscript]]
June 30. Clear crisp day. George drove me to Cortland Park 9 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[underline superscript]] [[red underline]] 
Disrupted gasoline feed. [[/red underline]] 
To office 1 P.M  [[strike through]] Then Shore [[/strike through]] Lunch at chemist Club 1 P.M by [[red underline]] Plaut [[/red underline]] with officers of club so as to discuss club matters. [[red underline]] Loeb cranky and nervous [[/red underline]] left early. Love away in Indianapolis.  Moore and
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