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[[start page]]
and Albert Hooker relative to chloroform [[red underline]]Process Baskerville[[/red underline]] and [[educational?]] comparison for boards of health use of bleaching Powder 
[[vertical note in right margin]] X for street cleaning water cars [[/vertical note in right margin]]
[[left margin]] X [[/left margin]] Charge 3 hours or $15 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] to [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] Electrochemical Co.
Supper at [[Horan's?]] restaurant then with Hooker to Chemists Club until 11 [[underlined superscript]] 55 [[/underlined superscript]]  P.M.
Oct. 3. Beautiful morning 
Conference with [[Wageman?]] relative Baskerville Chloroform process here in my house. 
[[left margin]] X [[/left margin]]
2 hour charge $10[[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] [[red underline]] to H.E. Co. [[/red underline]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Lewis drove us to Cortland 
Short visit office then P. A. where met [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]]. Trying of newest developments in [[red underline]] quick molding [[/red underline]].  Report of molding in [[red underline]]30 seconds [[/red underline]] is exaggerated [[sic]]; does not reach C condition in that time altho' molded. Back to NY with Swan, supper at Chemists Club, then home with 10 [[underlined superscript]] 45 [[/underlined superscript]].
Oct 4. [[red underline]] Meeting Directors then Stockholders meeting [[/red underline]] then again meeting Directors. all in a hurry.  Dudley Roessler and [[Warnmann?]] present outside of directors everything ran smoothly then I invited them all for
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
P.A. is Perth Amboy. HK