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[[note in upper left corner, above page number]] X [[/note in upper left corner]]
[[in pencil]] 16 [[/in pencil]]
[[vertical red bracket in margin highlights remainder of this day's entry]]
This is quite important as it may allow us to bleach discolored material or perhaps to heat the stems before so that they are not so sensitive to sunlight.
Oct 13/1911  Interview with [[black underline]] Hagemann & Baskerville [[/black underline]] this evening at Chemists club Hagemann reports Baskerville process is disclosed by [[print?]] publications. Met in a room of Chemists Club. Charge ½ day to Hooker Electrochemical Co. and $14 [[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] for room and expenses
[[note in margin]] X ¾ day 4[[underlined superscript]] 00 [[/underlined superscript]] for room and expenses [[/note in margin]]
Oct 14/ Dictated letters all morning.  Then wrote patent
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[[in pencil]] 17 [[/in pencil]]
specifications [[red underline]] for coil. [[/red underline]] Went to bed early. Got wakened by telephone call from Mrs. Middlebrook. [[red underline]] George there has fallen on his head while swinging from telegraph pole. [[/red underline]] and is unconscious  Physician with him. Says skull seems not fractured. Both Celine and I dressed hurriedly drove to Getty. long wait before he comes home. Then rushed to Dobb's Ferry at Midnight
Found George sleeping. After examination proved to be not dangerous. Recognized us and smiled. Drove back much relieved. We still have our son!
Oct 15/. (Sunday) George better, slept well and arrived here. Young
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