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[[in pencil]] 32 [[/in pencil]]
^[[Henry L. Doherty]] to [[red underline]] Dogherty [[/red underline]] at Engineers building, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]talks about investing savings of employees of large corporations by an investing committee at higher rates of interest than savings banks or U.S bonds.
Nov 4/ Busy all morning like the very dickens dictating and jumping now and
then in lab.  Then Dr. Peters here in relation to [[red underline]] Vaygoury's [[/red underline]] process
Dictated general report till 7 P.M. Then supper and drove Peters to station.
Nov 5/(Sunday) Busy all day until 5 P.M
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[[in pencil]] 33 [[/in pencil]]
writing my [[red underline]] Boston lecture on Bakelite [[/red underline]] and spent several hours this night revising same
Nov 6. Dictated all morning and very busy until late
Nov 7. [[strikethrough]] Election. Voted before driving to N.Y [[/strikethrough]] at 3.30 PM to hotel Dr. Bigelow and Dr. Dunbar of Washington Bureau of Chemistry.  Came here to learn about Bakelite and its use for [[red underline]] lining chemical vessels. [[/red underline]]
I left Peters behind with whom I had been busy all morning. They were very much interested in what Peter told them about his process of cream
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