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[[in pencil]] 54 [[/in pencil]]
[[red underlined]] Aylsworth. [[/red underlined]] Told me also that he thinks he (Weston) is to blame for awakening attention of Aylworth to bakelite because as soon as Weston got Bakelite from Seabury he spoke about A to [[strikethrough]] an [[strikethrough]] ^[[the]] editor of the Electrical World explaining its qualities and chemical derivation and afterwards this editor who Weston says is not friendly towards me went to Edisons laboratory and announced the existence of bakelite etc. A very successful
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[[in pencil]] 55 [[/in pencil]]
affair but [[red underline]] Moore behaved like a bag of sand. [[/red underline]]. Supper afterwards and improvised dance. Stayed till 12 [[superscript underlined]] 35 [[/superscript underlined]] PM
Nov 26/ Took life easy.  This is Sunday! Took nap in afternoon. Evening Marsh & Lyster came here and consulted about some matters relative to new cell. [[underline]] Charge two hours. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin note next to previous entry: "X 2 hours to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] Dev & Funding Co"]]
Nov. 27. Early to office. Dictated letters and had further interview De Muth. [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] went to N.Y to select new motor car
Nov. 28/ Concluded to have Miss Evans in Yonkers permanently
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