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[[in pencil]] 76 [[/in pencil]]
[[red vertical line in left margin for entire entry]]
[[red underline]] but was defeated [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] overwhelming majority. [[/red underline]] The voting begins.  I advise those who have given proxy not to vote. but some prefer to withdraw their proxy and vote.  After quite some time the vote is reported but they have not yet had time to [[strikethrough]] report [[/strikethrough]] count the proxies.  The result is already overwhelmingly in favor of Loeb he receiving 71 votes ^[[and]] [[strikethrough]] against [[/strikethrough]] only 14 against him, giving Loeb a majority of 71 + 150 proxies = [[red underline]] 221 [[/red underline]] votes, [[red underline]] in opposition to 14 votes [[/red underline]] for the so called 
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[[in pencil]] 77 [[/in pencil]]
"regular ticket. [[red underline]] His victory is complete and I feel glad that I have taken [[/red underline]] the initiative of this all. Everybody except the 14 feel very pleased and we had a jolly evening of it.  Moore left early and furious  
Evans and I went home together with the 12 [[superscript, underlined]] 35 [[/superscript, underlined]] satisfied of our day 
Dec. 14/  Home all day dictating and working in lab. At 8 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] P.M stopped at [[red underline]] Chemists Club [[/red underline]]. Dinner going on of Society of British Schools and Universities.  Hemingway told me he [[red underline]] had cast his proxy [[/red underline]] for [[red underline]] Loeb and had not [[/red underline]]
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