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[[red underline]] cell and has obtained a resin similar to [[salicetin?]] or Novolak [[/red underscore]] 
Mr. [[red underline]] Hanes  [[/red underline]] an assistant of [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] who has an industrial scholarship for shoe-[[red underline]] brakes [[/red underline]] here in lab.  I showed him how to [[red underline]] use bakelite [[/red underline]] gave him sample and took him along with Celine in our car.  Celine and I went to [[red underline]] Chemists Club with [[/red underline]] car.  There I found Dr. Hart and took him to Penna. station Congressional limited.  [[red underline]] Wiecdman [[/red underline]] [[Freriches?]], Parker Olsen etc waiting there 
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for meeting of [[red underline]] Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers. [[/red underline]] where I am [[red underline]] elected President [[/red underline]] much [[strikethrough]] to my [[/strikethrough]] against my will.  Pleasant ride to Washington.  Dr. [[insert above line]] Charles [[/insert above line]] Reese steps in at Wilmington.  [[Saddler?]] at [[Philada?]] and Rosengarten etc.  All to Willard. arrived there about 8 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M.  Feel rather tired so went to bed early
Dec 20/ Meeting at 9 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]]  AM. Papers read and business [[presented?]]. I [[red underline]] was [[?]] president [[/red underline]]. Confered in mean time with Townsend in regard to pending cases
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