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[[in pencil]] 88 [[/in pencil]]
Said he felt as glad as a School boy at the beginning of a vacation  
Then all hurried to [[red underlined]] Patent Office [[/red underlined]] where whole system of search and procedure was explained to us in detail. Very interesting but what is the use ^[[use]] of it all as long as infringements are so difficult and [[uncertain?]] to prosecute  
Then again meeting from 4 PM to 6 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M. Took supper with [[red underline]] Frerich [[/red underline]] who told me his early life.  I felt very tired so asked him
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[[in pencil]] 89 [[/in pencil]]
to conduct evening session and I went quietly to Cosmos Club where I met Brickenstein. I left with 12 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] train for New York.
Dec. 23/ Took breakfast at Chemists Club then went to office. Hear [[red underline]] good news of Bed Stead lacquer. Our [[/red underlined]] lacquer behaved better than Damard.  At 1 PM in Club met Parker [[McIlhiney?]], says wants to use Bakelite for certain purpose he does not want to divulge.  I ask him point blank: [[red underline]] "Is it ink?" [[/red underline]] he says: "Yes" then I told him to use Liquid A No. 10 and to dilute it with
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