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[[in pencil]] 98 [[/in pencil]]
about 11 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] PM and at Cortland the snowy landscape became alive by the [[strikethrough]] ol [[/strikethrough]] shrieks and whistles from everywhere announcing that [[double underline]] 1912 had begun [[/double underline]]

[[bold]] This is [[underline]] the end of 1911.[[/underline]] See following [[insert with pencil]] notes in this and other]][[/insert with pencil]] books.
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[[start page]]
[[in pencil]] 99 [[/in pencil]]
Jan 1. 1912 [[underline]] Monday [[/underline] Fetched ^[[Herman]] [[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]], of Berlin with my motor car at 11 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] A M at St. Regis hotel and took him for lunch here. He says [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft has lost thus far about 130000 Mks [[/red underline]] (or about 33000$) but [[red underline]] will show a bonus in 1912 and probably dividends in 1913. [[/red underline]] Proposes new cabinet between B. G and myself. Celine and I took him back at 6 PM then went home.
Jan 2./ Gotthelf and I after lunch drove to [[?]] to certify signatures to joint
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