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[[in pencil]] 106 [[/in pencil]]
wreck in front. Tangled frame, springs, lantern smashed. Hood torn off as well as fender and running board. [[margin has red vertical line from here to bottom of page]] I have told him over and over to be more careful against skidding and not to throw in brakes suddenly. I feel much disgusted with this new evidence of sheer recklessness. My life has been of late a steady battle against carelessness, slovenliness. Everywhere I turn I see waste and expenses the biggest
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[[in pencil]] 107 [[/in pencil]]
part of which are due to carelessness. Sometimes I wish I could live in a hotel in a small room simply and without any of the unnecessary servants which make life a burden and irritation. [[this paragraph has vertical red marginal line next to it]]
Very cold night. - Zero weather. Violent wind. Spent several hours of night writing and reading
Jan 6. (Saturday) Very cold. Took 10 [[superscript, underlined]] 30 [[/superscript, underlined]] train to office. [[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]] and his stenographer Miss Berliner there. Had to cut him short several times with his his "reports" which simply repeat in an incomplete
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