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[[pencil in margin]] 110 [[/pencil in margin]]
all the time. Hasslacher joined in my views and even [[red underline]] Hecht[[/red underline]] had to admit. After lunch we went back to office. There [[red underline]] Vaygouny [[/red underline]] came to thank me and take leave. He says the Royal Baking Powder Co have purchased his process. He seemed to be satisfied. He got $50000.[[superscript and underline]]00[[/superscript and underline]] 
Further conference with Rossi and Swan and May alone in regard to [[ red underline]] Bed Stead Lacquer [[/underline]] May having returned in meantime from Chicago
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[[pencil in margin]] 111 [[/pencil in margin]]
I took supper at Chemists Club and came home with 8 [underline]] 42 [[/underline]] PM train. Still very cold.
Jan 7 (Sunday)
Cold clear day. Spent it restfully at home reading. In evening put my journal in order and kept writing at it until 10 PM.
Jan 8. Early at work dictating Kept on [[underlined]] all day [[/underlined]] till 6 PM this morning [[Doty?]] came with his truck to cart my motor car to N.Y.
Snow and cold.
Jan 9. Thaw & rain during night then cold again.
Dictated all morning
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